Welcome to our May 2024 issue!
Introduction and Table of Contents
by Bjorn Hasseler
Magdeburg Messenger (1632 Fiction)
1. A Rose by Any Other Song Virginia DeMarce
2. Down This Path Natalie Silk
3. Mail From Up-Time George Grant
4. The Small Crisis George Grant
5. Making Hay While the Sun Shines Marc Tyrrell
6. Among the Faithful Bob Finegold
State Library Papers (1632 Non-Fiction)
7. Buzz! Beekeeping in the 1632 Universe, Part I Iver P. Cooper
The Magdeburg Messenger (1632 Fiction)
Velma Hardesty first appeared in Grantville Gazette 4. Virginia DeMarce concludes this character’s arc in “A Rose By Any Other Song.” This story also includes Shakespeare’s grandsons.
Natalie Silk continues the story of Rahel and the village of Zaborstadt in “Down This Path.”
Have you ever set something aside and completely forgotten about it? It happens, in George Grant’s “Mail From Up-Time.”
George Grant also provides our first flash fiction, with “The Small Crisis.”
Marc Tyrrell explains another step in the process of how military intelligence got from the first days after the Ring of Fire to what we see later in the series, with “Making Hay While the Sun Shines.”
“Among the Faithful” is Robert Finegold’s story about the Committees of Correspondence during Krystalnacht, but told from the perspective of townspeople in the Rhineland.
State Library Papers (1632 Non-Fiction)
Iver P. Cooper explains beekeeping and its possibilities in the 1632 universe.
Editor’s Notes
Several of us attended the Fantasci convention in Durham, North Carolina. We will have more to say later. For now, rest assured that the future of 1632 and the Assiti Shards is looking very good.
Key Points: Assiti Shards Timeline
April 2, 2000 – Grantville, West Virginia disappeared in the Ring of Fire. It is transported to May 25, 1631, Thuringia, the Germanies.
“Dozens” of events that resulted in nothing more than sea monster sightings, Time Spike, location 38/937.
2007 – The Alexander Correction Center disappears from Illinois. The Quiver stutters through the past, also collecting Cherokee and soldiers on the Trail of Tears, Spanish conquistadors, and Native Americans from at least two earlier time periods before depositing all of them in the Cretaceous Era.
November, 2008 – A shard takes a squad of ROTC cadets from Fort Dix, New Jersey. It moves them only a few miles, but to December 21, 1776. The Crossing was published fourth, but is the third major Assiti shard chronologically.
Shortly into our future – The cruise ship Queen of the Sea is transported from the Caribbean Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, September 15, 321 BC.
Sometime after that – A big rig hauling a fuel tanker, a pickup, and part of a convenience store are moved to the vicinity of Cahokia, Illinois in 1005 AD.
Other 1632 Universe Publications
1632 by Eric Flint created the 1632 universe and the Assiti Shards. Free download available at Baen.com/1632.html.
Short-List of Titles to Jump into the Series:
Ring of Fire anthology edited by Eric Flint
1633 by Eric Flint and David Weber
1634: The Baltic War by Eric Flint and David Weber
All books available through Baen.com, booksellers, and used bookstores.
Also Available:
Grantville Gazette Volumes 1 – 102, magazine edited by Eric Flint, Paula Goodlett, Walt Boyes, Bjorn Hasseler. Available on 1632Magazine.com.
1632 Universe novels and “Eric Flint, Ring of Fire Series” on Baen.com
Recently Released and Forthcoming:
The 1st of odd numbered months: New issues of Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond.
See the “News and New Books” section at the end of this publication.
Ongoing: Baen is re-releasing select 1632 books originally released by Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire Press, starting with Bjorn Hasseler’s NESS books. Please check the Baen.com e-arc bundles and new releases regularly!
Copyright Information
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters places, and events portrayed in this book are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people (living or dead), events, or places is coincidental.
Editor-in-Chief Bjorn Hasseler Editor Bethanne Kim Editor Chuck Thompson Cover Artwork by Garrett W. Vance Art Director Garrett W. Vance
1. Science Fiction-Alternate History 2. Science Fiction-Time Travel
Copyright © 2023-2024 Flint’s Shards Inc.
All rights reserved, including the right to copy, reproduce and distribute this book, or portions thereof, in any form.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-962398-08-4 Paperback ISBN: 978-1-962398-09-1
Distributed by Flint’s Shards Inc. 339 Heyward Street, #200 Columbia, SC 29201
I just tried to renew my suscription, ut it gives me troule – the system shows Euro, and at the end it says “should be Dollars, processing not possile” – without any input from my side.
please help
Andreas (“Fadinger”
I had to turn off the plug-in that allowed PayPal to work for a week or two because it made the site crash (clearly some kind of failed update). I just turned it back on. It’s possible that created the problem you experienced. However, you did end up with a renewal and a second pending subscrition, so I cancelled the pending order and refunded your money. I also went into your account and corrected the date your subscription ends.
Let me know if you need any more help!
Sigh. I hit enter too soon. I submitted for it to be refunded, but it is saying it can’t refund since the payment hasn’t gone through and it also won’t let me cancel. Ain’t tech grand? I’ll keep an eye on it to make sure the second charge doesn’t go through. If it hits on your end, please make sure to let me know so I can refund and cancel asap.