Eric Flint's 1632 & Beyond: Alternate History Stories

1632 & Beyond Issue #002


Issue 2 of 1632 & Beyond brings more world-wide impacts from the Ring of Fire! Together, they must navigate the new world they’ve been thrust into and come to terms with the drastic changes the Ring of Fire has brought. Follow the story of these brave adventurers as they battle against the odds and try to find a place for themselves in the new world. From samurai in Japan to Wiccan in Grantville, no one is safe from the changes brought by the Ring of Fire.

In our cover story, Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlett describe the harrowing escape of the people who earlier helped Anna Lyopova escape from Moscow to the United Sovereign States of Russia. Sean Little takes us to Japan as a samurai as learns his country’s place (and size) in the world. Marc Tyrrell follows the only Wiccan in Grantville as he navigates the changes after the Ring of Fire. George Grant has a series of letters between an up-timer in Grantville and his down-time ancestor in the New England states. Iver Cooper solves the Italian case of who was sending the ciphered messages, and we learn a bit about the science behind various invisible inks. In nonfiction, Bethanne Kim gives us the low-down on medical training down-time. Finally, we have a quick run-down on new and forthcoming 1632verse books.

Delve into the exciting world of 1632 & Beyond and join the journey of brave up-timers and down-timers as they tackle the new world. If you enjoy the 1632 series by Eric Flint, you’ll love this thrilling new installment. Buy now before the price changes and join the adventure!


Issue #2 of Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond, available 1 November 2023.

Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond Issue #2

1632 & Beyond Issue #002

Table of Contents

Key Storylines Points/Characters


The Magdeburg Messenger (1632 fiction)

1. Escape From Moscow by Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlett

2. The Frog in the Well by Sean Little

3. A Meeting at Midsummer: Part 1 by Marc Tyrrell

4. The Matthew Grant Letters by George Grant

5. An Adventure In Perception by Iver P. Cooper

The State Library Papers (1632 non-fiction)

Down-Time Medical Training by Bethanne Kim


New 1632 Books

Available Now:

1638: The Sovereign States

Coming Soon:

A Matter of Security

An Angel Called Peterbilt

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