Eric Flint's 1632 & Beyond: Alternate History Stories


Grantville Gazette #39 Contents:

“Reaping and Sowing” by Terry Howard

“Ball Whats?” by Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlett

“Letters Home, Parts 3 and 4” by Tim Roesch

“Second Chance Bird, Episode Eight” by Garrett W. Vance

Nonfiction and Annex:

“Sitting on Cloud Nine: Airship Lift and Altitude Control” by Iver Cooper

“Feeding the Up-Timer Addiction: Soy Sauce” by Karen C. Evans

“Treasures” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

“City Slickers, Country Bumpkins, Ants, Robots and Mutants, Part 2 Written” by Bud Webster

Assiti Shards:

“The Good Samaritan and the Hanged Man” by Garrett W. Vance (Time Spike)

“The Dragon Slayer” by David W. Dove (Time Spike)

“A Season for Sisters” by Amanda E. Forrest

From the Editor:

Did you ever wonder what would happen to some of the famous philosophers in the 1632 universe? Well, Mark H. Huston has told us about one of them in “The Cartesian Way.” And there’s always been a recurring thread about indoor plumbing, which is further discussed in Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlett’s “The Porcelain Throne.” Those two also wrote about industries that are being developed in “Ball Whats?”

Check with Kerryn Offord’s “Saint George’s Dogs” to see more developments in points east of Grantville, and John Zeek is taking care of the police in “Big Iron.”

Terry Howard is back with “Reaping and Sowing,” with those kids from the McAdam’s Mining Company. There’s more from our down-time nursing student in “Letters Home, 3 and 4” by Tim Roesch. You have to feel sorry for that rooster, really you do. Garrett W. Vance is back with two stories, his “Second Chance Bird, Episode Eight” as well as a story in our new department Time Spike. “The Good Samaritan and the Hanged Man,” along with David W. Dove’s “The Dragon Slayer” are the first selections for that department.

Iver Cooper discusses airship lift in “Sitting on Cloud Nine: Airship Lift and Altitude Control,” while Karen C. Evans tells us how to make some condiments in “Feeding the Up-timer Addiction: Soy Sauce.” Many of us do tend to crave Chinese food, after all.

The Universe Annex presents “A Season for Sisters” by Amanda E. Forrest, a fantasy story about a very odd situation. Enjoy!

Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Bud Webster continue their columns, with “Treasures” from Kris and “City Slickers, Country Bumpkings, Ant, Robots and Mutants, Part 2” from Bud.

Enjoy Grantville Gazette, Volume 39. It’s full of great stuff!

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