Eric Flint's 1632 & Beyond: Alternate History Stories


Grantville Gazette #96 Contents:

“Contra Servitutem” by Walt Boyes

“Cassini Takes First” by Robert E. Waters

“Mrs. Flannery’s Flowers, Part 2: Flowers and Fashion” by Bethanne Kim

Nonfiction and Annex:

“Tethered Balloons and Kites in the 1632 Universe, Part 2” by Iver P. Cooper

“Notes from The Buffer Zone: Stepping Into an Uncertain Future” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

“Though the Night Be Long” by J. Kenton Pierce

“Ill-Met in Space-Time, Part 2” by Edward M. Lerner

Assiti Shards:

The First Cavalry of the Cretaceous, Part 8: The Righteous and the Wicked by Garrett W. Vance (Time Spike)

From the Editor:

Welcome to the July issue of the Grantville Gazette. We have some new rides that have opened up this issue.

First, we present “Contra Servitutem” or “Against Slavery.” When Urban VIII was martyred by Cardinal Borgia’s assassins, he had given his legacy, including no more killing because of doctrinal differences, no more slavery, and more. As the Jesuit Father General’s legate to the Jesuits, Friedrich Spee von Langerfeld is speaking and writing about Urban’s legacy when he comes face to face with the fact that the Jesuits themselves own slaves.

Next, we have “Cassini Takes First” by Robert Waters. The world-famous astronomer is a weakly understrength little boy who is madly in love with baseball. How does he get on?

In Serials, we have another installment of Garrett Vance’s wildly popular “First Cavalry of the Cretaceous” and the next part of Bethanne Kim’s “Mrs. Flannery’s Flowers.”

In Non-Fiction, we have Iver Cooper’s “Tethered Balloons, Part Two.” Everything you ever wanted to know about tethered balloons, including what happens when the tether breaks with a general officer on board.

In her column, Kristine Katherine Rusch gives us some thoughts on “Stepping into an Uncertain Future,” post-pandemic.

In the Universe Annex, we have the next installment in Edward M. Lerner’s “Ill-Met in Space-Time,” Part Two, and we have a wonderful story by J. Kenton Pierce called “Though the Night Be Long.”

We hope you will enjoy the rides. Remember, readers, keep your hands and feet inside the car and don’t stand up while reading.


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