Eric Flint's 1632 & Beyond: Alternate History Stories

Volume 101 #10: Pride and Peppers

Previous / Nextby J. Kenton PierceRosenberry’s Pride, Nuevo Yucatan Prefecture, Hesperides Colony.I’d just waved off a second cup of coffee when a burning woman fell out of the sky and crashed through the bunkhouse roof.She exploded headfirst, straight down through the timber ceiling and smashed the rugged old wooden table that was the closest thing […]

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Volume 96 #8: Though the Night Be Long

Previous / Nextby J. Kenton PierceNarinder Singh’s feet ached terribly in the bitter cold. Each shuffling step across the frozen ground and packed ashfall drove the cold deeper into his feet, like a dull blade being dragged slowly along the bones. He shambled down the remnants of a path the elements had obliterated. Before the […]

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