Table of Contents

Assistant Editor’s Preface
1. On The Matter of D’Artagnan Bradley H. Sinor
2. A Filthy Story Aamund Breivik
3. Star Crossed Terry Howard
4. NCIS: Lies, Truths and Consequences Jose Clavell
5. Twenty-eight Men Mark Huston
6. The Salon Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlett
7. The Launcher Richard Evans
8.Fiddling Stranger Russ Rittgers
9. Grand Tour Iver Cooper
10. None so Blind David Carrico
11. The Prepared Mind Kim Mackey
12. Little Angel Kerryn Offord
Serialized Stories
13. Franconia! Part 1 Virginia DeMarce
14. The Doctor Phil Chronicles: Doctor Phil’s Family Kerryn Offord
15. Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 3: Boris, Natasha . . . But Where’s Bullwinkle Gorg Huff and Paula Goodlett
16. Crude Penicillin: Potential and Limitations Kim Mackey
17. Herd Immunity Vincent W. Coljee
18. All Roads Lead… Iver P. Cooper
19. The Feast Annette Pedersen
Assistant Editor’s Preface
Wow! Who knew? Way back in 1999, when people started writing fan fiction for 1632, who’d have thought it would grow like this? This is our tenth volume—and the fifth in 2006. And there’s no lack of material for the next volume, either.
Volume 10 includes our first “pro” submission, from Bradley H. Sinor, “On the Matter of D’Artagnan.” It’s not your grampa’s Three Musketeers, that’s for sure. Aamund Breivik entertains us with a little, ah, dirty problem in “A Filthy Story,” while Virginia DeMarce is rewriting the musical Oklahoma! in her story “Franconia!” A young English lord and a not-yet-famous philosopher are touring Europe in Iver P. Cooper’s “Grand Tour,” while our Dr. Phil gets a new visitor—or three—in “Dr. Phil’s Family” from Kerryn Offord.
Non-fiction for this volume includes Vincent Coljee’s “Herd Immunity,” along with Kim Mackey’s “Crude Penicillin: Potential and Limitations,” as well as Iver P. Cooper’s “All Roads Lead. . . .” and Anette Pedersen’s “The Feast.” We have more fiction from Terry Howard, who has written “Star Crossed,” and Jose J. Clavell tied “NCIS: Lies, Truth and Consequences” into that situation . . . with an, ah, interesting ending. Richard Evans wonders what’s going on in Bern with “The Launcher,” while Russ Rittgers gives us the rundown on some illicit activity in “Fiddling Stranger.”
Speaking of illicit activity, “None So Blind” from David Carrico shows what happens when the good guys win, while “Little Angel” by Kerryn Offord shows us what happens when they don’t. If you don’t have the medications down-time that you have up-time, what do you do? “The Prepared Mind” by Kim Mackey gives us one possiblity. Part three of the continuing series “Butterflies in the Kremlin” by Gorg Huff and me continues our take on what’s going on in Russia, while “The Salon” introduces a Grantviller no one has heard from before.
Mark Huston’s “Twenty-eight Men” brings Grantville tragedy along with hope, and helps us understand some of the many, many things that can go wrong. And things will go wrong, as we all know. But the continuing hope for our relocated Americans is that they’ll prevail in the end. Will they? Well, you just never know.
Paula Goodlett and the Grantville Gazette
Editorial Board
Note from Editor:
There are various images, mostly portraits from the time, which illustrate different aspects of the 1632 universe. In the first issue of the Grantville Gazette, I included those with the volume itself. Since that created downloading problems for some people, however, I’ve separated all the images and they will be maintained and expanded on their own schedule.
If you’re interested, you can look at the images and my accompanying commentary at no extra cost. They are set up in the Baen Free Library. You can find them as follows:
1) Go to
2) Select “Free Library” from the blue menu at the top.
3) Once in the Library, select “The Authors” from the yellow menu on the left.
4) Once in “The Authors,” select “Eric Flint.”
5) Then select “Images from the Grantville Gazette.”
Off we go again. Grantville Gazette Volume 10 is, as always, stuffed full of good stories, facts, figures, events, wants and wishes.Volume 10 moves from Paris to Bern, Magdeburg to Aschersleben, Grantville to Jena, Venice to the Brenner Pass . . . and all the way to Moscow. From the mine to the police forces, biolabs to the sewer system, new drivers to musicians, from corrupt bishops to famous—and not-so-famous—people. There’s everything from new developments in antibiotics to new music, how to fix the roads—or build new ones, stage plays to solo performances in the market square.C’mon and jump in. | |
Ebook This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. First printing, January 2007 Distributed by Simon & Schuster 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Printed in the United States of America | Copyright© 2007 by Eric Flint All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. A Baen Books Original Baen publishing Enterprises P.O. Box 1403 Riverdale, NY 10471 Electronic version by WebWrights |
Submissions To the Magazine
If anyone is interested in submitting stories or articles for future issues of the Grantville Gazette, you are welcome to do so. But you must follow a certain procedure:
1) All stories and articles must first be posted in a conference in Baen’s Bar set aside for the purpose, called “1632 Slush. ” Do not send them to me directly, because I won’t read them. It’s good idea to submit a sketch of your story to the conference first, since people there will likely spot any major problems that you overlooked. That can wind up saving you a lot of wasted work.
You can get to that conference by going to Baen Books’ web site Then select “Baen’s Bar.” If it’s your first visit, you will need to register. (That’s quick and easy.) Once you’re in the Bar, the three conferences devoted to the 1632 universe are “1632 Slush,” “1632 Slush Comments,” and “1632 Tech Manual. ” You should post your sketch, outline or story in “1632 Slush.” Any discussion of it should take place in “1632 Slush Comments.” The “1632 Tech Manual” is for any general discussion not specifically related to a specific story.
2) Your story/article will then be subjected to discussion and commentary by participants in the 1632 discussion. In essence, it will get chewed on by what amounts to a very large, virtual writers’ group.
You do not need to wait until you’ve finished the story to start posting it in “1632 Slush.” In fact, it’s a good idea not to wait, because you will often find that problems can be spotted early in the game, before you’ve put all the work into completing the piece.
3) While this is happening, the assistant editor of the Grantville Gazette, Paula Goodlett, will be keeping an eye on the discussion. She will alert me whenever a story or article seems to be gaining general approval from the participants in the discussion. There’s also an editorial board to which Paula and I belong, which does much the same thing. The other members of the board are Karen Bergstralh, Rick Boatright, and Laura Runkle. In addition, authors who publish regularly in the 1632 setting participate on the board as ex officio members. My point is that plenty of people will be looking over the various stories being submitted, so you needn’t worry that your story will just get lost in the shuffle.
4) At that point—and only at that point—do I take a look at a story or article.
I insist that people follow this procedure, for two reasons:
First, as I said, I’m very busy and I just don’t have time to read everything submitted until I have some reason to think it’s gotten past a certain preliminary screening.
Secondly, and even more importantly, the setting and “established canon” in this series is quite extensive by now. If anyone tries to write a story without first taking the time to become familiar with the setting, they will almost invariably write something which—even if it’s otherwise well written—I simply can’t accept.
In short, the procedure outlined above will save you a lot of wasted time and effort also.
One point in particular: I have gotten extremely hardnosed about the way in which people use American characters in their stories (so-called “up-timers”). That’s because I began discovering that my small and realistically portrayed coal mining town of 3500 people was being willy-nilly transformed into a “town” with a population of something like 20,000 people—half of whom were Navy SEALs who just happened to be in town at the Ring of Fire, half of whom were rocket scientists (ibid), half of whom were brain surgeons (ibid), half of whom had a personal library the size of the Library of Congress, half of whom . . .
Not to mention the F-16s which “just happened” to be flying through the area, the Army convoys (ibid), the trains full of vital industrial supplies (ibid), the FBI agents in hot pursuit of master criminals (ibid), the . . .
NOT A CHANCE. If you want to use an up-time character, you must use one of the “authorized” characters. Those are the characters created by Virginia DeMarce using genealogical software and embodied in what is called “the grid.”
You can obtain a copy of the grid from the web site which collects and presents the by-now voluminous material concerning the series, Look on the right for the link to “Virginia’s Up-timer Grid.” While you’re at it, you should also look further down at the links under the title “Authors’ Manual.”
You will be paid for any story or factual article which is published. The rates that I can afford for the magazine at the moment fall into the category of “semi-pro.” I hope to be able to raise those rates in the future to make them fall clearly within professional rates, but . . . That will obviously depend on whether the magazine starts selling enough copies to generate the needed income. In the meantime, the rates and terms which I can offer are posted below in the standard letter of agreement accepted by all the contributors to this issue.
Standard letter of agreement
Below are the terms for the purchase of a story or factual article (hereafter “the work”) to be included in an issue of the online magazine Grantville Gazette, edited by Eric Flint and published by Baen Books.
Payment will be sent upon acceptance of the work at the following rates:
1) a rate of 2.5 cents per word for any story or article up to 15,000 words;
2) a rate of 2 cents a word for any story or article after 15,000 words but before 30,000 words;
3) a rate of 1.5 cents a word for any story or article after 30,000 words.
The rates are cumulative, not retroactive to the beginning of the story or article. (E.g., a story 40,000 words long would earn the higher rates for the first 30,000 words.) Word counts will be rounded to the nearest hundred and calculated by Word for Windows XP.
In the event a story has a payment that exceeds $200, the money will be paid in two installments: half on acceptance, and the remaining half two months after publication of the story.
You agree to sell exclusive first world rights for the story, including exclusive first electronic rights for five years following publication, and subsequent nonexclusive world rights. Should Baen Books select your story for a paper edition, you will not receive a second advance but will be paid whatever the differential might be between what you originally received and the advance for different length stories established for the paper edition. You will also be entitled to a proportionate share of any royalties earned by the authors of a paper edition. If the work is reissued in a paper edition, then the standard reversion rights as stipulated in the Baen contract would supercede the reversion rights contained here.
Eric Flint retains the rights to the 1632 universe setting, as well as the characters in it, so you will need to obtain his permission if you wish to publish the story or use the setting and characters through anyone other than Baen Books even after the rights have reverted to you. You, the author, will retain copyright and all other rights except as listed above. Baen will copyright the story on first publication.
You warrant and represent that you have the right to grant the rights above; that these rights are free and clear; that your story will not violate any copyright or any other right of a third party, nor be contrary to law. You agree to indemnify Baen for any loss, damage, or expense arising out of any claim inconsistent with any of the above warranties and representations.
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when will the next issue of Grantville Gazette and 1632 & Beyond be available to subscribers?
Issue 8 has been available since 1 November, the first Special issue for about two weeks, and the second special issue within a day or so (technology cooperating). Reading this, I realized that I haven’t put them up to read online, which I will try to take care of tonight, but I need to finish Special Issue #2 first. The next regular issue (#9) will be January 1.
Thank you for the previous response and the work that goes into maintaining the website for fans. I’m just curious about the next issue of the Grantville Gazette. Do you know what the time table looks like for its release?
I’m behind on getting both the Gazette and the new magazine live to read online. I’ve got someone who will start helping me so this doesn’t happen again, but I’m going to focus on getting this done over the next few days. I have half of Volume 10 of the Gazette live now, so you can start reading that tonight.
I’m going to work on getting the issues of the new magazine live tonight, then I’ll go back to the Gazette, which takes a lot more time per volume/issue to put live to read online. I probably won’t be caught up on releasing more volumes of the Gazette for a few days. My apologies!!
Thanks for posting this. I’m glad to hear that you have help. I was going to ask if you were taking applications for unpaid volunteers who have been teaching Language Arts for 20 years, love reading, and are reasonably computer-literate. Let me know if you are ever needing additional help and want to take a chance on a stranger.