Table of Contents

The Story So Far . . . by Walt Boyes
1. Giants in the Earth by Virginia DeMarce
2. Cassini at the Plate by Robert Waters
3. I Have a Proposal For You by George Iconomou
4. A Puritan Voice, Part 8 by Michael Lockwood
5. Flags of the World: The USE, Part 3 by Mike Nagle
6. Life at Sea in the Old and New Time Lines, Part 6: Lest You Drown by Iver P. Cooper
7. Notes from The Buffer Zone: Heroic Lazy Sods by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
8. Hot Off Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire Press! by Walt Boyes
9. A Matter of Choice by Eric Flint
10. Adrift in Space-Time by Edward M. Lerner
The Story So Far . . .
by Walt Boyes
Happy New Year! May 2021 be far better than 2020 was. We can help a little with that right here. We have a terrific collection of stories and articles, just for you!
And we have a special treat! We have a piece of flash fiction written by Eric Flint! Called “A Matter of Choice,” you’ll find it in the Annex.
We wondered what finding fossils would do to the religious in the New Time Line, and Virginia DeMarce has given us an answer in “Giants in the Earth.” No, it isn’t just a funny looking porcupine.
The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn has just finished in our sky, so Robert Waters has found something else for Cassini to do: baseball in Grantville! “Cassini at the Plate” has us wondering if he’ll grow up to be an astronomer after all.
George Iconomou continues to shake up the Venetian leaders and the up-timers in “I Have a Proposal for You.”
In Serials, Michael Lockwood gives us the next installment in “A Puritan Voice, Part 8.”
In Non-Fiction, we have “Flags of the USE, Part 3” by Mike Nagle, and “Life at Sea, Part 8” by Iver Cooper.
Kris Rusch gives us another edition of “Notes from the Buffer Zone,” and Edward M. Lerner gives us “Adrift in Space-Time.”
The Grantville Gazette and Ring of Fire Press is continuing our monthly series of Virtual Open Houses. The next one is Saturday, January 9th. Look for the Zoom invitation on and on the Gazette and
This Issue’s Cover: Cassini at the Plate, Signed
This issue’s cover is inspired by Robert E. Waters’ wonderful story, Cassini at the Plate. In an imagined future Cassini actually becomes a pro baseball player in the NTL’s major leagues to be.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. | eISBN: 978-1-62579-787-2 Copyright © 2020 by Grantville Gazette All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. A 1632, Inc. Publication Grantville Gazette P. O. Box 7488 Moore, OK 73153-1488 |