Welcome to our November 2024 issue. We hope you enjoy it!
Introduction and Table of Contents
Bjorn Hasseler

Magdeburg Messenger (1632 Fiction)
1. How Lovely Are Thy Branches Garrett W. Vance
2. Rites of Passage Edith Wild
3. A Week Together Bjorn Hasseler
4. The Diablo is in the Details Aaron Jameison Greso
5. Emancipation and Education Terry Howard
6. Stilettos, Part 2 Bethanne Kim
7. News & New Books Available Now, Coming Soon
1632 at FenCon
Connect with Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond
The Magdeburg Messenger
(1632 Fiction)
This issue’s theme is ongoing adventures. Once we come to the end of a story, our characters don’t just stop; they go on about their lives. Four of our stories center around characters you already know, and the authors of the other two already plan to revisit their characters.
The cover art is from “How Lovely Are Thy Branches” by Garrett W. Vance. It’s romance and finding a Christmas tree in the Wonderland Isles.
“Rites of Passage” is Edith Wild’s fourth story about Amalia von Herbert and Maggie Vogel. Their previous story, in 1632 & Beyond Issue 4, ended on a cliffhanger. We’re sorry about that. Come see what happens next!
“A Week Together” by Bjorn Hasseler finds Reed and Kathy Sue Burroughs is home while Reed is between wars.
Aaron Jamieson Greso’s first 1632 story is “The Diablo Is In The Details.” A merchant and a knight, both Portuguese, are trying buy compasses and sell a donkey, two tasks that are harder than anticipated.
The new timeline is so different that sometimes a problem is exactly the opposite of what we expect. “Emancipation and Education” is Terry Howard’s story about a boy who wants to stay in school against his father’s wishes.
Skip has given the girl a stiletto. Now it’s catching on, and in Bethanne Kim’s “Stilettos, Part 2,” he’s got a plan to make more.
Editors’ Notes
With this issue, we’re extending Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond to 50,000 words, at the same cost.
We’ve got something else for you, too. After Ring of Fire Press closed, Baen Books acquired a couple dozen of the 1632 books published there. Those have been coming out monthly. The Available Now and Coming Soon columns will keep you up to date.
One of the books that was not acquired is A 1632 Christmas. We have approached those authors, and all have agreed: Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond will publish two special issues. Each will have ten of the stories from A 1632 Christmas. Our goal is to publish the first in November and the second in December. The twenty-first story is a Marla and Franz story by David Carrico, and that’s going to be included with the other Marla & Franz stories in the reissue of 1635: Music and Murder, also coming in December.
Characters from the first three stories in this issue also appear in stories in the Christmas issues.
1632 at FenCon
In 2025, 1632Con will be at Fencon in Dallas, Texas, February 14-16.
It’s the twenty-fifth anniversary of 1632, and Fencon’s twentieth.
Register for the con and hotel here:
Don’t forget your travel arrangements!
Toni Weisskopf is the toastmaster, and Kevin Ikenberry (Assiti Shards novel The Crossing) is the special workshop guest.
1632Con travels from con to con to give everyone a chance to attend.
Connect with Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond
We would love to hear from you here at Eric Flint’s 1632 & Beyond! There are lots of ways to get in touch with us and we look forward to hearing from you.
Main Sites
Email: 1632Magazine@1632Magazine.com
Shop: 1632Magazine.com

Author Site: Author.1632Magazine.com For anyone interested in writing in the 1632verse, or fans interested in more background on the series and how we keep track of everything.

Social Media
Our Facebook Group is our primary social media, but we do use the FB Page, YouTube, and Instagram accounts.
Facebook Group: The Grantville Gazette / 1632 & Beyond

YouTube: 1632andBeyond

Facebook Page: Facebook.com/t1632andBeyond

Reviews and More
Because reviews really do matter, especially for small publishers and indie authors, please take a few minutes to post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or wherever you find books, and don’t forget to tell your friends to check us out!
You are welcome to join us on BaensBar.net. Most of the chatting about 1632 on the Bar is in the 1632 Tech forum. If you want to read and comment on possible future stories, check out 1632 Slush (stories) and 1632 Slush Comments on BaensBar.net.

If you are interested in writing in the 1632 universe, that’s fabulous! Please visit Author.1632Magazine.com (QR code above) for more information.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters places, and events portrayed in this book are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people (living or dead), events, or places is coincidental.
Editor-in-Chief Bjorn Hasseler
Production and Design Bethanne Kim
Editor Chuck Thompson
Interior Art Garrett W. Vance
1. Science Fiction-Alternate History
2. Science Fiction-Time Travel
Copyright © 2023-2024 Flint’s Shards Inc.
All rights reserved, including the right to copy, reproduce and distribute this book, or portions thereof, in any form.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-962398-06-0
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-962398-07-7
Distributed by Flint’s Shards Inc. 339 Heyward Street, #200 Columbia, SC 29201