Grantville Gazette #63 Contents:
“Ultimate Airport Magdeburg: Blacktop” by Kerryn Offord
“Engines of Change: Digging Deeper” by Kevin H. Evans and Karen C. Evans
“In That Place” by Tim Roesch
“Wampus of Grantville (A Monster Society Story)” by Eric S. Brown and Robert Waters
“The Bad Seed” by Tim Sayeau
“The Invisible Dogs of Grantville” by Jackie Britton Lopatin
“You’ve Got To Be Kidding!” by Tim Sayeau
“Ein Feste Burg, Episode Twenty-Two” by Rainer Prem
Nonfiction and Annex:
“About the Faces on the Cutting Room Floor: Part One” by Charles E. Gannon
“The Age of Chapelle: Warship Design After the Ring of Fire, Part One” by Sean Little
“Notes From The Buffer Zone: A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far, Away” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
From the Editor:
In “Ultimate Airport Magdeburg: Blacktop” Kerryn Offord shows us what happens when a couple of cut-ups find themselves in the middle of an emergency. In “Engines of Change: Digging Deeper” Kevin and Karen Evans continue their stories about steam engines. “In That Place,” by Tim Roesch, is a hard-edged story about what happens when Blaise Pascal’s father has finally had enough of the “Greatest Mathematician in the World” and gives him a dressing-down that he’s deserved ever since the young man arrived in Grantville. Eric S. Brown and Robert E. Waters show us what happens when LARPers don’t think things through in “The Wampus of Grantville.” And don’t worry, the dog doesn’t die.
Tim Sayeau shows his versatility as a writer with two stories this month. In the first, “The Bad Seed,” he poignantly shows the dangers of knowing the future as a father and mother come to terms with the fact that in the Original Time Line, their three-year-old daughter became an adulteress and a murderer. In Sayeau’s second story, “You’ve Got to Be Kidding!” he shows us what really happens backstage when Gustav II Adolf names Thorsten Engler the “Count of Narnia.” We continue mining the humorous vein with Jackie Britton Lopatin’s “The Invisible Dogs of Grantville” which starts out innocently enough as a young man finds a gag stiff leash with collar attached.
Our serial “Ein Feste Burg” continues, as Rainer Prem details what happens when a family squabble leads to attempted murder. In her essay this month, Kristine Katherine Rusch talks about the effect of Star Wars on herself and society. And in an excellent non-fiction piece, Sean Little discusses the effect of a single set of books from the future on the design and construction of warships in the 1632 Universe. Finally, but certainly not least, we present a look into the process of building a novel as Charles E. Gannon shows us some “Faces from the Cutting Room Floor” that didn’t make it into his collaboration with Eric Flint, 1635: The Papal Stakes.
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